
ThreatFox produces detailed statistics on indicators of compromise shared - find the available statistics below.

You can also access Spamhaus's Malware Digest report, based on ThreatFox data:

The statistics below consider indicators of compromise (IOCs) submitted to ThreatFox within the past 14 days.

Number of IOCs shared

The chart below documents the number of indicators of compromise (IOCs) shared on ThreatFox per day over a period of 30 days.

Top Contributors

Threatfox is "just" a platform for sharing IOCs. It would be worthless without the help of volunteers who contribute their IOCs to the project. The table below shows the top contributors by credits earned for the past 30 days.

RankReporterLast activitySubmissions
1 abuse_ch2025-02-11 22:48:284'808
2 juroots2025-02-11 21:00:042'883
3 Gi7w0rm2025-02-11 06:21:502'838
4 DonPasci2025-02-12 04:01:241'190
5 popeeyy2025-02-11 15:11:26314
6 dyingbreeds_2025-02-11 06:24:22265
7 TheRavenFile2025-02-11 06:19:58174
8 ttakvam2025-02-11 20:45:45145
9 RacWatchin88722025-02-11 15:13:00143
10 threatcat_ch2025-02-11 20:45:45129

Top Malware Families

Top Tags

IOCs by type

IOCs on ThreatFox are categorized so called IOC types. The following table shows the number of IOCs observed on ThreatFox per IOC type (past 14 days).

IOCsIOC TypeIOC description
8'383domainDomain that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)
2'806ip:portip:port combination that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)
1'363urlURL that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)
403domainDomain name that delivers a malware payload
347urlURL that delivers a malware payload
182md5_hashMD5 hash of a malware sample (payload)
38domainDomain used for credit card skimming (usually related to Magecart attacks)
23sha256_hashSHA256 hash of a malware sample (payload)
23sha1_hashSHA1 hash of a malware sample (payload)
15ip:portip:port combination that delivery a malware payload

The statistics below consider indicators of compromise (IOCs) submitted to ThreatFox since it's launch in March 2021.

Number of IOCs shared

The chart below documents the number of indicators of compromise (IOCs) shared on ThreatFox per day over a period of 12 months.

Top Contributors

Threatfox is "just" a platform for sharing IOCs. It would be worthless without the help of volunteers who contribute their IOCs to the project. The table below shows the top contributors by credits earned.

RankReporterLast activitySubmissions
1 Cryptolaemus12025-02-07679'879
2 abuse_ch2025-02-11125'939
3 drb_ra2025-01-2388'255
4 Gi7w0rm2025-02-1046'965
5 lazyactivist1922025-02-0729'739
6 Grim2024-11-1329'552
7 Virus_Deck2022-09-3029'150
8 thehappydinoa2024-12-0223'615
9 DonPasci2025-02-1220'858
10 TheTallJohnBrown2024-03-1425'823

Top Malware Families

Top Tags

IOCs by type

IOCs on ThreatFox are categorized so called IOC types. The following table shows the number of IOCs observed on ThreatFox per IOC type (overall).

IOCsIOC TypeIOC description
723'624sha256_hashSHA256 hash of a malware sample (payload)
181'648urlURL that delivers a malware payload
174'511ip:portip:port combination that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)
89'255urlURL that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)
76'971domainDomain that is used for botnet Command&control (C&C)
29'263domainDomain name that delivers a malware payload
13'432md5_hashMD5 hash of a malware sample (payload)
10'320sha1_hashSHA1 hash of a malware sample (payload)
2'626ip:portip:port combination that delivery a malware payload
450domainDomain used for credit card skimming (usually related to Magecart attacks)
21sha3_384_hashSHA3-384 hash of a malware sample (payload)
1envelope_fromSender email address (envelope from) that is used for payload delivery